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Monday Lunch Club - St Augustine’s Church 

St Augustine’s Church in Norwich host a lunch club every Monday for vulnerable members of the community. The club is run by volunteers from the church and from local Christian charity City Saints in Action. 

Norfolk feeds 5000logo243The Monday Lunch Club provides a safe, welcoming, non-judgemental environment to people who are deprived both materially and relationally. There is no charge for the hot meal served, but a suggested donation of £1.

Rev David Austin, who is Vicar of St Augustine’s Church and neighbouring St Luke’s said, “It is more than 'tea and sympathy' - but genuine friendship and concern for the welfare of those who attend - who often feel isolated, stigmatised or stressed.”

The volunteers also gain new skills in cooking which they impart to others. David said, “Several of our volunteers have themselves been homeless and in receipt of services in the past and have now conquered addictions or overcome life debilitating sickness. It is the Kingdom of God at work.”

The lunch club is open to receive new members - contact the organisers for referral.


Project: Lunch club
Who: St Augustine’s Church and City Saints in Action
What: Hot meal served to homeless and vulnerable people
Where: Norwich area
How many: Approximately 50 people per week
Contact: Carrie Sant on 07523 909 798     

Published: 27/05/2017