The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

PubChurch set to launch in South Norfolk village 

A new PubChurch is set to be launched at the Royal Oak in the South Norfolk village of Poringland in January 2017.

PubChurch will hold its first gathering on Sunday January 15 at 12 midday. There will be opportunity to explore the Christian faith for an hour in a manner that suits those who will be gathered. It is currently planned to meet each third Sunday of the month, though this will be flexible, depending on those who attend and what best suits them.

The new venture, headed by a team from All Saints Church, under the leadership of Pioneer Ordinand, Rachel Foster, is the result of two years’ prayer and waiting for guidance on the way forward.

Rachel said: “We aim to meet with people who are comfortable in the environment of the pub and journey and grow with them as they explore the Christian faith. We expect the group to change and develop as we meet and we recognise that this will involve a deal of flexibility on the part of the team leading this venture.

“We are very excited as now feels the time is right to move forward with this initiative. I am extremely grateful to licensee Nick Perry and his wife Delia who are always are so welcoming to us and have shown such faith in stepping forward with us in this venture.”

Rev Robert Parsonage, Rector of Poringland Benefice, overseeing this new initiative, said: “This is an exciting opportunity to take the gospel into the community. And we are particularly indebted to Nick and Delia’s faith and commitment to honour God in this way. I am also very encouraged by the team from All Saints Church, who are aware it is not a case of steaming ahead with their own agenda, but are showing vision and sensitivity to engage with the community in this way, relying on the pace and promptings of the Holy Spirit.”

Over the years, Nick and Delia have always welcomed church activity in the pub and, currently, there is a monthly men’s fellowship group and a weekly Saturday morning singing group, as well as events that have taken place over Easter and Christmas.

Pictured above is the Royal Oak in Poringland.

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