
Transforming Norwich chair's evangelist challenge 

Transforming Norwich chairman Danny Doran-Smith challenged everyone present at the charity’s AGM held at Soul Church in Norwich on July 6 to do the work of evangelists. Keith Morris reports.

“At a time when the nation is divided, the church needs to be united in word and spirit,” he said.
“You as believers, as ministers, as leaders, need to do the work of an evangelist right now more than ever before. The primary work of Transforming Norwich needs to be that of an evangelist – we need to start to go and to make. I want to see this city sharing the Good News of the Gospel,” said Danny, referencing the charge that Paul gave to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4 v 1-5.
Danny reported on a successful year for Transforming Norwich which included a number of Ministers Together lunches with local and national speakers, a Global Day of Prayer service held at Norwich Cathedral alongside regular prayer events and calendar, which has been set up.
Transforming Norwich continues to support Celebrate Norfolk and the Network Norfolk website. It also supported and facilitated a Cinnamon Faith Audit of Christian social action across Norwich and Norfolk.
In June, Alistair and Marie Petrie from Partnership Ministries led a week of events to encourage and equip the church and to confirm to us that Norwich was on God’s agenda as an important place.
Download the full chairman’s report.
Standing for re-election to the Transforming Norwich committee were Danny Doran-Smith and Toby Skipper and new nominations were Madeline Light and Lucie Fox. All were unanimously elected.
Standing down is Biddy Collyer, whose dedicated service as secretary and treasurer over a number of years was acknowledged by Danny. All other members of the committee were happy to continue.
JonNormanJuly16x600Before the AGM, Soul Church pastor Jon Norman addressed a gathering of Norwich and Norfolk Christian leaders, saying we need to catch a fresh vision for our city and our lives and to look forward not backwards. 

“We live in a lost city and we need to be passionate about people finding Jesus here and we have a responsibility for it,” said Jon.
“We need to fall in love with the city we live in, which I believe is a significant place, and I believe that God wants to see it prosper.”
Jon urged leaders to catch a fresh vision for the city, for their own churches, for “the church” in the city, for the next generation and for their own lives.

Pictured top, Danny Doran-Smith at the Transforming Norwich AGM and, above, Jon Norman addresses leaders.


Published: 07/07/2016