The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

East Anglian Bishop welcomes pilgrim Pope

PopeBenedict2010: The Bishop of East Anglia has welcomed the visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the UK as a pilgrim pope visiting a pilgrim people, as many East Anglian Catholics head for events in London and Birmingham.
Bishop Michael Evans said: “The Holy Father, Pope Benedict, comes to the United Kingdom this weekend for a brief but busy visit. He comes as successor of St Peter to strengthen us in our faith and to proclaim the Good News of God's love in Jesus Christ.
“Despite the negativity in much of the media, the possible protests and the inevitable TV programmes doing their best to attack the Catholic Church, I hope and pray that his visit will be as fruitful as his was to the United States and other countries recently.  He comes as a minister of God's joy.
“Many pilgrims from East Anglia will be heading to the main events, especially to Birmingham for the Beatification of Cardinal Newman, and a good group of our young people to Westminster Cathedral and Hyde Park. These pilgrim journeys are involving very early rises, and long coach journeys, and I am grateful to everyone for making such an effort.”  
Meanwhile, BBC Radio Norfolk has spoken to five Catholics from around the county about their faith and what the papal visit, the first to the UK since John Paul II in 1982, means to them.
You can watch the papal visit live and in full online at www.thepapalvisit.org.uk

If you are going to see the Pope please tell about your experience via e-mail to web@networknorwich.co.uk or by posting details below.


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